Guest Editor at Frontiers in Education on a Special Call About Exploring Implicit Biases in the Educational Landscape

Image by Frontiers in Education

As a guest editor for Frontiers in Education, I am happy to announce a special call for papers on the research topic, “Exploring Implicit Biases in the Educational Landscape.” In collaboration with Dr. Nishtha Lamba and Dr. Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, we invite researchers to delve into theĀ  realm of implicit biases that may exist in academia.

Implicit biases operate at a non-conscious level and tend to affect minority and/or marginalized groups more and inhibit their growth in society. Long-standing biases tend to establish prejudices amongst even the most liberal communities and also operate in academic institutions. In particular, biases within academia are likely to negatively impact the career progression of particular groups. For example, discrimination against faculty based on characteristics such as gender, race, and age. This Research Topic invites researchers to investigate the complex dynamics of implicit bias in the educational sector. Aiming to raise awareness, stimulate critical reflection, and offer strategies for mitigating these biases.

Find out more and submit your work here: